The Pain That I’m Used To - A Poem
A poem about the constant pain that comes with a chronic illness
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(Apologies and credit to Depeche Mode for the use of their title)
Hello ME/CFS and poetry people,
It’s been a bit of a week. I’m still struggling with the aftermath of a chest infection, i.e. coughing. I recently calculated I had spend over 130+ months of my life coughing, that is over 10 years. Wow! Just wow! I wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or depressed. Anyhoos, this cough seems to do a 2 steps forward one step back kind of thing, with occasionally 3 steps back. This is par for the course. Most of the time I maintain a reasonably, for me, positive outlook. And then some days, like the last few days, it’s been a bit harder. Interesting that it has happened during mental health week. I have written previously about have a grump day, though this time it has dragged out. I know eventually it will end, it always does.
Well, this morning I got up and everything hurt, I mean really hurt, much more than normal, and the first two lines spilled from my mouth as I swore my way towards pills. So turn a negative to a positive, let’s write a poem about it. (The formatting looks best on a laptop, iPad or computer, on phones it squishes.)
It’s just unrelenting, fucking unrelenting
Un-re-len-t-ing. Constant, ever present,
always there, ceaseless. Yes, ceaseless
is good. It never ceases. Day in, day out.
Sleep should provide respite but it follows
into my dreams, tainting them, themes
twisted and anxious, full of danger, despair.
And it builds to a crescendo, like this poem, reaches a perilous, formidable peak
and then, for no reason at all, it
almost as though
it knows I can
take no more
sits softly
it’s energy
readying for
the next wave
and breathing
so carefully
sit softly
I brace
my strength
readying for
the next wave
and so
I sit
for the next
inevitable merciless spike, harsh, sharp unrelenting unrelenting
And payment for my plagiarism of the title, a video for you, other than the title it doesn’t have anything to do with my poem, but it’s good music.
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Sending you as much positivity as I can to help, for whatever it is worth.
Incidentally I think the way in which you express these waves through the poems structure is quite brilliant - I really get that sense of the surges and it hammers home just how devistatingly incapacitating that must be for you.
All the best..
P.S. More positive vibes I found in my pocket!
Ach, so sorry you've been in the deeps. Spent time this morning contemplating pain as it rolled through my skull. Again. And how much it sucks when pain invades your dreams, stealing what should be some respite, some oblivion. Now that meds have it at bay, it's hard even for me to understand how/why it is so overwhelming and all-powerful, but it is. It forces its way to the front of the line and knocks over everything else. It's a bully, is what it is.