I’m so sorry it is taking so much energy from you … I really hope the shop can make the necessary adjustments.

I completely understand feeling cross and jealous. I found myself jealous of someone shoveling snow the other day! Not because I want to shovel snow… but I want to leave my bed damn it! I want to be able to do more. seeing people do things so effortlessly makes me remember just how much effort it takes to make my body do anything.

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It’s so galling isn’t it? Will get the wheelchair out on the moors this week hopefully and see how that goes. I did go to rugby in my other one which was okayish, but saved so much energy it is a must.

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I’m crossing my crossables for you that it works out!

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Awwww, sending strength, Tamsin. I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

I can't remember if I've shared this with you, but we went camping (in our lovely van) for my 50th birthday in November with a view to visit a gorgeous arboretum. 'I don't know how you'll feel about this', said my husband, 'but I've booked you a 2-hour slot with one of their scooters'.

I was absolutely thrilled! I'm in a process of a medical ruling-out exercise, but for three quarters of a year now I've been suffering with fatigue as well as losing strength and now mobility, and we have to be mindful when arranging things to do that I will be able to get around. It was soooo liberating to be able to go at the speed I used to walk at, and to access all of the paths that I would have chosen to follow had I not had the scooter.

I have literally no idea how I'd cope with choosing one of my own, ever, for everyday use. I'm disappointed for your experience so far, and sending so very many hugs.

Those moors will be there for you, and are looking forward to seeing you. xxx

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Thank you so much Rebecca. I’ll get there eventually with the right chair I’m sure, it’s just been frustrating. I’m pleased you had a positive experience with a scooter.

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I completely get that crossness and you are absolutely entitled to be very cross indeed, at that price you would hope to have no complaints at all and not have to put up with problems. I too get very jealous at all the things I can no longer do, I am going to buy a power chair when we move so I can get out around the local park which will be 10mins away and the most beautiful park, but I am worried we would have nowhere to store it in the apartment!! Hope you can get back to the moors very soon!!

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And that’s not even the full price price! The main frame is second hand as was a Bobby bargain.

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Yeah I can imagine, it is horrific they cost so much and yet are so necessary!!

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I absolutely get the crossness and jealousy and crossness at being jealous. My chocolate eating goes up when my husband goes out and I can't! A mobility scooter or wheelchair would be impossible to store where we are so I desperately hope I don't reach needing one. Admittedly it probably would open my life up a bit but 🤷‍♀️ I hope you successfully get your moors trip! 💖

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