I love the repetition of "gathered," especially as the starting line. And am I imagining it, or does one of the birches have huge frowny face below several eyes? I felt judged 😢.
It’ll come. Some poems seem to arrive whole but in need of trimming, and others are missing pieces and it’s like this little mystery until the rest of it arrives (I say this as if I haven’t been working all day (in my spare moments, that is) on a poem that is DEFINITELY not done and I kept trying to force it to be done until I finally shoved it aside for now 😵💫).
I love the repetition of "gathered," especially as the starting line. And am I imagining it, or does one of the birches have huge frowny face below several eyes? I felt judged 😢.
I think the last two gathered are waiting for another verse to happen, but I’m stuck.
It’ll come. Some poems seem to arrive whole but in need of trimming, and others are missing pieces and it’s like this little mystery until the rest of it arrives (I say this as if I haven’t been working all day (in my spare moments, that is) on a poem that is DEFINITELY not done and I kept trying to force it to be done until I finally shoved it aside for now 😵💫).
Oh yes very judgey. So many eyes, so much attitude.