Love this Tamsin! Sassy esses Susan... brilliant!

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I actually wrote this one by hand and by esses are rather flamboyant and sassy.

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I do like the idea that you slip out of the name Susan like a comfortable cardigan. I can relate to that. Our names are special, a gift from our parents. Back in 1962, my parents expected a boy (I was born way before sonograms), so if I was a boy I would have been named, Jeffery Scott. If a girl, my dad liked the name Roxanne. (Imagine my life with that name and the song Roxanne by the Police being played on the radio during my sensitive teenage years!) My mom named me Laura Jane. (Jane was her first name.) I was named after the 1944 movie "Laura" with Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, and Vincent Price. I was the only girl in school with that name. I used to hate my name until my mother told me this bit of trivia about my naming. When we were kids, my best friend's parents would call me "Lori," which of course, I found annoying. I would tell them, "My name is Laura, not Lori." My best friend would correct them every time, she was annoyed by it, too. They persisted, but they were always kind. I got used to it. I was only "Lori" in their their house. I met a young man, an exchange student from Taiwan who was staying with them for a summer, and he was very puzzled by their calling me "Lori," he even started to correct them. (Yeah, he had problems pronouncing my name, but he tried hard, and was close enough.) I told him, not to worry about it, it does no harm. As an adult, for over 20 years, I've had the same man come to service our boiler. He always spells my name "Lora" on the bill. (I guess my name is so hard for some people to get right, not all of them, just some of them.) I write the check, and my name, correctly spelled, is there, he still doesn't get it right.

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So many people can’t get Tamsin right. I get Tamzin, Tasmin, Tazmin, Tampsin, Tamasin, I’ve even been called Teresa as people assumed it was a misspelling. My mum never allowed me to be called Tammy, and I do hate Tammy with a passion. I don’t know who I was named after, but I know my father considered Cherry. Ugg, Cherry Chennell would have been awful! Some days I like my name, other days I don’t. I think it’s from so many years of people getting it wrong. I’m always changing it on forms and in emails. I’ve even developed a passive aggressive way of signing off emails when they get it wrong - TaMSin.

My father always used to tell me I was the only Tamsin in England expecting Harold Wilson’s granddaughter. Of course at the time I believed him but now I realise it was just another of his little lies, the age of the internet soon disproved him.

It’s a shortening of the feminine form of Thomas, Thomasina, and I was called Tom for a while at 6th form.

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This is wonderful! Good for Tamsin!! Big hugs ❤️

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Thank you

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Love this ! Sassy ssed Susan. Here's to being improper poetry eh?

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Got to love it

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