Your story, whilst very different to my own, sounds similar to my family situation in so many ways. Going low contact was a choice I made a few years ago, in fact I now have zero contact with my *stepwitch* unless we meet unfortunately when visiting my dad in the care home (thankfully it has only happened twice but she was annoyingly as nice as pie to my face), and I have very minimal contact with one of my half brothers (the other one does not speak to me at all). My relationship with my sister (my only full sibling) is very difficult and we only really speak because of my mum (that's a whole other story of toxicity!) - all of them (my siblings), and my *stepwitches* side of the family go on family holidays every year, spend boxing day and other 'family' celebrations together, to which I, and my sons, have never been invited to, my siblings kids are also referred to as grandchildren where mine never were. So I get it completely and my only 'advice' would be to do what you need to do for the sake of yours and your family's health and happiness... we started again, me and my boys, began new traditions without them and deleted them from social media etc. I won't give them the benefit of my time unless they work hard for it, which seems cruel, but I have to put myself and my mental (and physical) health first and reduce the trauma they have caused.
Thankfully now my father has passed we are now no contact. When she finally dies there will be the will and the trust on my dad’s half of the house to sort out but that’s for the solicitor to do.
Family can hurt us deeper than anyone. I am no contact with my sister but this Christmas, she proved that she still can wound me from afar. So sorry for you and your kids. It just shouldn’t be this way ever.
I’m so sorry to read this, it sounds extremely upsetting. I wonder if her preference for your brother was gendered too? Being that you are also female, she perceived you as a threat? I’ll never understand people 🤷🏻♀️ 😭
I suppose it’s possible indeed. She treated my sister better though (no kids). I was always the black sheep, the awkward one, and there is no way she would have accepted my autism diagnosis. She is a narcissist though. And what they do always confuses me.
Thank you, I’m completely fine. As siblings we are/ were all aware of her need to divide and conquer. I have zero contact with her anymore and it’s made life so much better.
Your story, whilst very different to my own, sounds similar to my family situation in so many ways. Going low contact was a choice I made a few years ago, in fact I now have zero contact with my *stepwitch* unless we meet unfortunately when visiting my dad in the care home (thankfully it has only happened twice but she was annoyingly as nice as pie to my face), and I have very minimal contact with one of my half brothers (the other one does not speak to me at all). My relationship with my sister (my only full sibling) is very difficult and we only really speak because of my mum (that's a whole other story of toxicity!) - all of them (my siblings), and my *stepwitches* side of the family go on family holidays every year, spend boxing day and other 'family' celebrations together, to which I, and my sons, have never been invited to, my siblings kids are also referred to as grandchildren where mine never were. So I get it completely and my only 'advice' would be to do what you need to do for the sake of yours and your family's health and happiness... we started again, me and my boys, began new traditions without them and deleted them from social media etc. I won't give them the benefit of my time unless they work hard for it, which seems cruel, but I have to put myself and my mental (and physical) health first and reduce the trauma they have caused.
Thankfully now my father has passed we are now no contact. When she finally dies there will be the will and the trust on my dad’s half of the house to sort out but that’s for the solicitor to do.
Family can hurt us deeper than anyone. I am no contact with my sister but this Christmas, she proved that she still can wound me from afar. So sorry for you and your kids. It just shouldn’t be this way ever.
I’m sorry about your sister that’s hard and sad. 😞 It shouldn’t be this way at all, I completely agree. Sadly so many families I know are like this
I’m so sorry to read this, it sounds extremely upsetting. I wonder if her preference for your brother was gendered too? Being that you are also female, she perceived you as a threat? I’ll never understand people 🤷🏻♀️ 😭
I suppose it’s possible indeed. She treated my sister better though (no kids). I was always the black sheep, the awkward one, and there is no way she would have accepted my autism diagnosis. She is a narcissist though. And what they do always confuses me.
Very bewildering. I hope you’re okay x
Thank you, I’m completely fine. As siblings we are/ were all aware of her need to divide and conquer. I have zero contact with her anymore and it’s made life so much better.
A different story here but with similar experiences. I cut contact when I had to. Xx
Often hard to do but a necessity
Yes absolutely!
Hugs x